or is that busy ? I didn't log on to the Internet at all for 3 days last week ... so unlike me ! The excuse was That I discovered the Twilight saga and became obsessed 3 days later both films have been watched and the last 2 books read . I can now relax give up the rush to see how it ends and start reading a bit slower from the beginning !
anyway onto scrapping ..... I haven;t done any scrapping since the uk scrappers cybercrop - mainly because my desk is just a disaster zone - I was scrapping on the dining room table so spent the whole weekend just pulling stuff out and dumping it back on the desk when I was finished with it. Its on y to do list to get it tidied but seems to find its way to the bottom of that list everyday .
here is my mystery kit challenge for the CC
I was lucky to receive the fab mystery kit that came from www.craft-emporium.co.uk and was full of lovely things . I got a bit carried away with the stamp but not too much .
anyway little people are nagging me - so I'll keep this short and try and find time to come back soon.